
Grab My Button!

Stylin' Mommies


Monday, January 21, 2013

Hi! I'm Natalie - Mother to two crazy fun boys, and one sweet little princess. I spend my days playing REF to my 7 and 5 year old boys, stepping on Legos, wiping up spills, playing "kitchen" with my 2-year-old girl, singing, dancing, changing diapers, watching 'My Little Pony', car pooling kids to school...sports...etc. My number one priority is being comfortable! I try to find clothes that are cute and fun, but also clothes I don't have to tug on to make modest. I love skinny jeans and big shirts that hide the mom "roll over". I have discovered a cute necklace can make any outfit! If I have no time to do my hair...I throw on some earrings so it looks like I tried! Sandals and flip flops are my shoe of choice, but being that it is winter...I have to do the boot thing. I LOVE the idea of this blog! I think it is so important to "try" everyday. I love seeing the outfits other moms put together...I get so many great ideas. Looking good = feeling good! I am 100% a better mom when I feel good about myself:)

Shirt- AE
Undershirt- Downeast
Pants- AE skinny jeans
Bracelet- Gift
Earrings- Target
Necklace- AE
Boots- AE

This entry was posted on Monday, January 21, 2013. You can leave a response.

6 Responses to “Natalie”

  1. Love the simple and stylish look! great looking mamma

  2. Love your cute and realistic with chasing kid!

  3. I love your sweatshirt! SO cute!!

  4. Love your sweatshirt! Think I will pop over to AE this week! :-) I get in a rut wearing "work out clothes" too much I think! I am a new mom and new to staying at home... Love this blog and seeing other mom's styles!

  5. So cute!

    ♥ Talia
