
Grab My Button!

Stylin' Mommies


Thursday, April 04, 2013

Hello girls! I am Kendall from TheHintonHaven and I am SO excited to be sharing this post on here! I have been married to my sweet husband for 3 years and we have two very precious little ones, Pax who is 2 and Story who is 9 months old. My husband and I met in Louisville KY while he was attending seminary and thankfully he was able to graduate this past May with his Masters! This year has brought us a lot of firsts: We moved from KY to Indy where he has taken a position as a head pastor at a cute little church! Although I was born here, this is my first time living here since my senior year of high school...and much has changed. We have been spending these past few months trying to get settled and in the process, have grown closer as a family. Talk about thankfulness!

When I was asked to do this blog I freaked out a see, I swore I would never be the mom who showered twice a week, who wore jammies all day long with her hair pulled up and no make up on and who would most definitely never forget to wear her bra when she left the house. Well then I had kids and became everything I promised I would never be (Including the woman who went to the grocery...with her bra at home...I will never be able to shop at that Kroger again). I stopped judging other women who looked like a hot mess with frazzled hair, sweatpants, and shoes that didn't match. With all of that being said, I chuckled at the idea of posting on such an amazing blog as this! I might still wear my jammies on those cold, snowy days and yes...showers might not happen on a daily basis but thankfully I have come to understand that getting myself put together does help me feel better on those long days when my son poops in the tub, Story starts teething, my husband almost catches our kitchen on fire and a pink sock gets mixed with a white load of laundry.

After I had my daughter I realized I needed help...a lot of help. We were on a tight budget and I was needing new clothes that fit my "after baby body" while not breaking the bank. With the help of my Mom and sister we did our own version of What Not To Wear in the middle of Old Navy. My sister is an artist and introduced me to a world of color that I had rejected for most of my mommyhood. It freaked me out to be honest. But, after 2 hours in the dressing room we came up with some very cute, super affordable basic pieces that I could mix and match together. I wear these pieces frequently and what is great is  I can make so many different outfits with them! Ladies, denim shirts are popular for a reason...they go with everything! Also, allow me to introduce you to my green pants. These bad boys will put an extra hop in your step. They make you feel the same way as when you have a pretty little undergarment on and no one knows but feel spunky, you have a secret that no one knows and it makes you smile. The good thing about colored pants is that it brightens you up! You see, the day I took these photos was the first day of Spring...and it was a high of 27 degrees...a perfect day for bright colors! It stinks that warm weather is still so far away but by putting on something so colorful, you can't help but feel cheerful!

It has been so much fun doing this post and has encouraged me to have more "green jean" kind of days. I hope you all have a wonderful and blessed week and I would love to hear from you at TheHintonHaven.

Scarf: Old Navy
Shirt with Stars: Old Navy
Denim Shirt: Old Navy
Green Jeans: Old Navy
Bracelets: Target
Jean Jacket: Aeropostale...from high school... embarrassing!

This entry was posted on Thursday, April 04, 2013. You can leave a response.

5 Responses to “Kendall”

  1. I really like this outfit, especially the scarf and green pants!

  2. Loved your post! I think the outfits are super cute and jean jackets are totally in...even if they are from high school!

  3. I still wear things I had in high school too! You rock it :)

  4. hi!!! :) your look is amazing!
    see my blog

  5. girl, i can totally relate to everything you wrote! i'm a mom of two lil ones myself and i have gone crazy with the colored pants just recently! i vowed to only use Christmas and birthday (mine is in February) money on my new mommy-wardrobe. don't you love Old Navy? all my colored pants i got on clearance there - hot pink, colbalt, coral, green, and lavender! i even got a pair of polka dot ones! colored pants and a neutral top keep me energized to do my mommy tasks, just like you said in your post! and scarves are a much more kid friendly accessory! great look!
