
Grab My Button!

Stylin' Mommies


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

My name is Kara and I am a mother of two boys, ages 6 and 4 who keep me busy! My days usually consist of practicing their soccer skills, riding scooters, going to I tend to stick to a t-shirt and jeans for my day-to-day I feel a bit under qualified for such a stylin' blog like this. I do know that when I take care of myself, by working out, and trying my best to dress in a way that I feel comfortable in that I am a better Mom and wife because naturally I feel better about myself! I'm loving the purpose behind this blog of trying to promote Mom's to take care of themselves so that they can be their best selves.

shirt: Old Navy
jeans: Silver's-Buckle
shoes: TOMS
bracelet: Target
ring: gift

This entry was posted on Tuesday, September 25, 2012. You can leave a response.

4 Responses to “Kara”

  1. Kara, you're adorable! Love the pink TOMS!
    Love, Claire

  2. LOVE this blog! What a great idea!
    Newest follower. Found you on Clothed Much.
    Follow me back via GFC too?
