
Grab My Button!

Stylin' Mommies

Bring on the Rodeo!

Thursday, November 01, 2012

Hope everyone had a great Halloween. We sure did! It was a crazy day full of costumes, candy, and some more candy....:) This year we decided to kinda coordinate our costumes. The girls were rodeo queens. Then I had my cute little cowboy and my husband who is such a great sport in always dressing up with us was our rodeo clown. We have all had way to much sugar and we are all on sugar kids will never take a nap today:(  Oh well a least I got lots of sugar to keep me going today....and my Diet Coke. Happy 1st day of November!!

What a sexy rodeo clown!:)

This entry was posted on Thursday, November 01, 2012. You can leave a response.

6 Responses to “Bring on the Rodeo!”

  1. Love the costumes! The kids look so dang cute and Matt is hilarious!!

  2. Absolutely Adorable!!Love your blog!

  3. So cute!Love family costumes!


  4. What a great family idea!! What a great sport!! Beautiful family!

  5. Best costumes I've seen...and one of the best families I know! Love it!

  6. That is such a cute family theme idea. You pulled it off well. How tall is your husband or rather what is your height? I love tall men. I have had 3 husbands and only one was taller than me. He and I produced my two daughters that are both taller than me. My youngest daughter's husband is 6'11", yeppers!
